Monday, September 14, 2009

This Blog Comes with Whine

Well, it's taken me a while, but here it goes.
My name is K. Wayne Thornley. Welcome to my blog.

I say that with much hesitation. Not the welcome part. You are certainly welcome at this particular stop in the digital domain anytime you can make it. No, it's just the fact that I have to grapple for time to do my artwork as it is. Where am I going to find time to photograph it, write about it, and post it online? Me? A blog? Right.

Many artisan friends have been creating wonderful online spaces to showcase their work and ideas for quite a while now. Many of these same folks have been the ones urging me to do the blog thing.

"It's really easy!"
"You're a good writer, you'll love it."
"More people need to see your work."
"You really don't have to update it everyday. Not really."
"OMG! You don't have a blog? Are you from Mars?"

Okay, okay. But, juggling a full-time job and an art career is frustrating. Forget the creative juice! Sometimes it's hard to muster up the energy to pick up a pencil to do a sketch before I drop off to sleep at night. The unfinished projects scattered around the studio seem to hiss and sneer at me when I walk by. And how many projects have I ruined trying to "restart" the creative flow after being away too long? Trash cans full. Care for some more whine? I have plenty to go around.

But, there is something amazing in all of this. No matter how many times I have thrown my brushes against the wall and stormed out of the studio swearing never to return, I always come back. Somehow, no matter how many turns the path of life takes or how deep the sink holes I fall into along the way, I always find my way back to making art. It's what we artists do.

So, I'm starting this blog. If nothing else comes of it, I hope you enjoyed reading my little rant. But, if I do get to posting more stuff, I hope you will find something here that sparks an idea, touches a common thread, or simply encourages you to keep listening to your own creative voice.

Was that me, or did I just channel Dr. Phil?